As we near the end of the harvest season there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding this year’s actual crop size. Buyers never seemed to believe the Objective Reports’ 2.2 billion pound estimate and felt that the crop was closer to 2.4 billion pounds. The early delivery reports of big crops in the South and Westside of the state helped to reinforce the 2.4 billion pound number. Now the Northern handlers are reporting that their crop is coming in even lower than expected and is off as much as 40% in some areas. With this information, and the huge increase in recent sales, the buyers are starting to rethink their position and are wondering if supply could end up being tight this season. Over the next few weeks we will see how this information affects the market, but we could see prices start to walk up as the rumors of a smaller crop circulate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Grower Representatives.